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Posts tagged Helen at the Helm

January 16, 2022 @ 7:45 AM · Helen at the Helm

Hi Everyone

Well, what a year it was in 2021, and we are now zooming along into 2022.  Already we have three books in the final stages of production, and two more completed for private release. 2022 seems like it will be a busier year than ever.

We had great joy at the end of last year in putting together a children's picture book for budding young artists at the South Bunbury Primary School when they illustrated Jenny Ward's poem 'The Blowfly on Grandma's Apple Pie' and what a thrill it was to be on stage helping to present each artist with a copy of their book at the book launch. I love to see upcoming artists and authors taking centre stage. Check out the book on the internet - it is a hoot, and a great ......

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April 6, 2020 @ 12:56 PM · Helen at the Helm

Hi Everyone

It has been another long time between posts, but this COVID 19 lockdown is giving me time to catch up on a lot of stuff. We are madly zooming along working on manuscript assessments, book and cover designs for four books, and the artwork for another children's picture book.

We have recently published up Edwin, Flamboyant Australian Pioneer, by Shirley Eldridge, and her previous true crime novel Mima as an e-book. Also released is The Ancient Manor of Strensham by Gordon Sawyer from the UK, and is available in paperback, hardback and e-book.   

Don't forget to also have a look at I'm Glad I'm Australian which we produced in Hardback as well as paperback (under the local title of Have You Ever ...), ......

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August 2, 2019 @ 2:57 PM · Helen at the Helm

Hello everyone,

Our wonderful overseas holiday is over - London, Paris, Florida, Bahamas, Mexico, Las Vegas and home - and we are back at the grindstone producing beautiful books. Unfortunately it took a little while to restore the house and office after a break-in on our third day away, but things are returning to normal, and we are back to working long days being creative.

Since returning we have published some really wonderful books - Travels in the Realms of Gold, Bus Stop Bears, The Fragrant Garden, and Remembering Catharine  which are are doing really well. Check them out.

There are eight more books on our production list, including reproductions of books that were published a number of years ago. It never hurts to give them......

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May 15, 2019 @ 10:39 AM · Helen at the Helm

Thank you, Jessica, for your comment on Where the Waratahs Bloom. I am glad you enjoyed it. 

I am currently in Florida enjoying the warm weather, fun parks and soon NASCAR racing up in North Carolina. Broadening horizons provides so much content to write about, and I am penning my journey for a new Road Trip book, this being my fourth road trip across America, mostly to research locations for novels I have on the go and to get more story ideas.  

This leads me to a very good piece of advice, which I learnt from my first American road trip ... I was writing a couple of novels set in America, one about a murder centred around rodeos and was going to set it in Texas. My trip took me down into Arizona, where I spent a few days on a ......

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January 22, 2019 @ 12:45 PM · Helen at the Helm

Hello Writers and Readers

You will notice some big changes coming to the Linellen Press website this year as we focus on promoting our authors and their books and keep you updated on their success.

Our services are also changing slightly, with more focus being given to book and cover design to help writers achieve the book they want to see in print, at very affordable prices. Books are published up and made available to retail bookstores and readers globally, including through Amazon, as well as allowing author copies to be purchased at a realistic price.

Editing services are also available to ensure the most perfect book is released for the reader's enjoyment.

Soon to be released is A New Tomorrow by Tricia Frestel, a fabulous ......

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December 26, 2018 @ 5:37 PM · Helen at the Helm

It's been a while since I have been able to get to writing an update of what we are doing at Linellen Press mainly because we have been so busy ... but that shouldn't be allowed to be an excuse, should it. I will just try to squeeze more hours into the day so I can keep everyone informed as to how things are progressing here. 

We have had quite a few books go out as new releases since my last post and I am so happy for the authors who have succeeded in getting their books into print. You must check out Lyn's 'A Rough Road' ghost memoir which is doing really well on the market, and Marianne has seen her new book out right in time for Christmas. 'Travelling with Cancer' puts a positive light on life after a ......

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July 13, 2018 @ 12:30 AM · Helen at the Helm

Hello again

Sorry for the delay in posting anything last month - life has become quite hectic over the past weeks. After being engrossed in redeveloping training materials for Creative Writing courses, I spent a weekend up in the Goldfields delivering courses in Editing, Self Publishing, Creating Childrens/Photographers Picture Books, and Writing Life Stories for The Society of Women Writers WA. The seven hour train trip up to Kalgoorlie with the group was a great time, and talking with other writers who came along for the weekend made the time travelling fly by, that and the stunning scenery outside the train window.

A week later we ran a Novel Writing Full Day Workshop, the training materials of which were all up-dated and rebranded, ...

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June 9, 2018 @ 1:53 PM · Helen at the Helm

Hello Authors

Just a short note this week to keep the blog going. I've been busy again this week putting a new face on Linellen Press - new business cards, new badges, a cleaner office than it has been for a long time, two new sets of storage cubes to hold the many projects going on at the moment, and designing a new clients' meeting room which will start to happen next week.

There is also a new dog about the office - my granddaughter's Shar Pei/Staffy cross has come to stay and keep Aimee, the Sheltie, company. Now there are two dogs that appear for a pat if your hands become visible or inactive. I shall make a point of taking them for a run down the hill and back in the mornings to give me some peace in the office.

I'm ...

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May 30, 2018 @ 11:18 AM · Helen at the Helm

Hi Authors!

Welcome to our first blog on the Linellen Press website! 

We are really excited about spreading the word about writing (and publishing), and want to share all the good news we have about what is happening in our publishing space at the moment.

The good news for May, 2018 is I have finally had time to make some serious adjustments to our website, and release a whole swag of new, beautiful books.

Congratulations to our authors, Marianne (A Villa in Umbria), Lyn (A Rough Road), June (The Adventures of a Far Away Bear - 9 book series), Geraldine (One or Two a Day) and Helen (The Horse Keepers) for their May releases. You have all kept the office extremely busy. But we do like busy!!

We are now clear again to focus on new ......

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23rd February 2025