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Client Reviews


Here are some of the comments we have received from clients during the course of book development.

I thank you with all my heart, Helen. Without you guiding and gently nudging, it would have lagged on and on and on….

I totally lost confidence at one stage, as I know you gathered, and Peter removed the printed chapters from me. Was going to throw in the towel and pull the whole thing but you and Peter wouldn’t let me.

Can’t express how much your cheery comments and advice kept me on track.

An incredible, positive, invaluable and productive learning experience.

Thank you again.

Ingrid M. Smith

Helen Iles has edited and published my memoir  ‘What a Life’ and also my first novel ‘A Villa in Umbria.’ Thank heavens for an excellent editor. I now realise why published authors write dedications to their editors in such glowing terms. They make all the difference to the finished product.

Marianne Stevens

The professional and friendly service of Linellen Press far exceeded my expectations. The two month turn-around from the beginning, when I handed a thumb-drive to Helen, until the time that the book went live on-line and available for sale, was largely due to Helen and Linellen Press. The suggestions and ideas, too, have been outstanding. The attention to detail in the editing and publishing has been fabulous and I have loved the journey from writer to published author. A BIG thank you to Linellen Press.

Lyn Bodycoat

Following an extended visit to Ireland, my memoir – A Different Shade of Seeing – was published.  It’s been a delight to share that journey to explore my Irish roots with readers near and far. Unfortunately, the publisher retired and I was faced with the task of finding a new publisher. 

With great fortune, I met Helen Iles from Linellen Press. I gave Helen my book to read. She came back to me with a deep fervour to assist me with a second edition. I have been flummoxed with the assistance Helen has given me. Her enthusiasm, her zest, her support, and her guidance and advice has been incredible. And her patience! 

In an early consultation with Helen, I mentioned that I would like more photos. Again, I was amazed by her animated reply: No probs!  Show me what you’ve got.

Perhaps the most important emotion I have experienced throughout the whole process and achievement of having a second edition published was the trust Helen bestowed upon me. This has been continuous.

It is with enormous pleasure that I share this journey with new and known writers: that Linellen Press is a publisher whose primary objective is to support the author in achieving his/her dream. I recommend Linellen Press very highly.

Thank you, Helen.  Thank you, thank you.

Elizabeth Brennan





23rd February 2025