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Meet Cherie Rose



   Cherie was born in 1957, in the Geraldton Women’s Maternity Hospital, which is now the National Trust Building, and had writing sessions with the Coral Coast Writing Group 54 years later in the same room she was nursed. She was lucky to experience the Year of Authors in Geraldton, where the library hosted a different author every month. From these sessions, she learnt much about the literary world from many widely different perspectives.

   She spent much of her early life in Hamelin Bay and went to school at Karridale and Manjimup, where both sets of grandparents lived, as well as all my cousins and other relatives. She has also lived in Carnarvon, Perth, Karratha/Dampier, and travelled extensively through many regions of Australia and Thursday Island, so she has mixed with different cultures and gained an understanding of indigenous life.

   Cherie began the Brutal Consequences series thirty-odd years ago on a small typewriter when she lived in the wheatbelt. From there, she wrote intermittently between working long hours in managerial positions in various regions of WA, her life experiences adding depth and realism to her story.

   Cherie has two more books in the Brutal Consequences series still to be released, and is now working on a novel set around the early days of Hamelin Bay.

   Cherie is a breast cancer survivor which has taught her that life is so uncertain that you must finish any unfinished projects ‘for who knows what the future holds for any of us?’



Out of Ashes

An Australian saga

 In the karri forest of Western Australia in the late 1800s, two young teens are orphaned as a horrific bushfire sweeps through the bush and destroys their home. Carrying the guilt of their recent sins, which burdens them through the following years, they strive to achieve their parents’ dream of carving out a prosperous existence in the bush.

Affected by family events in the elite social circles of England, the harshness of the Australian countryside and their aloneness, Jed and Lillyanna battle to survive the elements, the darker side of humanity, and the effects of their own immoral deeds. Aided by nearby neighbours, and their loving, mostly absent grandfather, the pair try to rise above cultural beliefs, their upbringing and moral and racial social acceptances.

What will be Lillyanna’s and Joshua’s eventual fate?





5th December 2024