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Meet Helen Iles
Children’s Author/Illustrator


As a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Helen also writes for children of all ages. When she sees a need for lessons to be learnt, she provides those lessons through picture books and early readers.

Helen has written for the older reader – Penny’s Silver Dragon

And for the younger child – We Are Different, You and I, using magic realism as the medium for illustrations, The Dog Who Wanted to Fly, and Nannie Wants a Puppy, using mixed medium.

Released in February 2020 is Have You Ever ... (in soft cover) and I'm Glad I'm Australian (in hard cover), which encourages children to enjoy the nature of the outback with Outback Sam.

Mee-ou, The Lost Cat, Donna’s Wishing Well and You Are Not Alone will be released in 2025.

Helen has also stretched her creativity into illustrating for other authors and enjoyed providing the artwork for Marion Smith's Possum Reserve released in 2024.


Helen has also illustrated the informative books by retired Family Court Mediator Lynley Barnett:

Sophie's Story, Peter's Story, Zac's Story, Tommas's Story, and Tips from the Mediator - for divorcing couples ... 

Her last release for 2024 was Mee-ou, The Lost Cat





23rd February 2025